LOCATION | Muskegon, MI |
63,000 |
$10M |
26121000800 |
The Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore is planning a 63,000 SF multitenant community center located in downtown Muskegon, MI.
Percent of Area Family Income
Poverty Rate
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment Rate Ratio
Poverty Population
Severely Distressed Census Tract
Census tract (5507900) is severely distressed based on poverty rate (>30%), median family income (<60% statewide MFI), and unemployment rate ration (>1.5x national average).
Additional Distress Criteria
Food Desert | Medically Underserved Area | SBA Hubzone
Project details
- New education and community building
- 13,000 SF new construction
- 15,000 SF renovation
- Land stewardship
- Infrastructure upgrades

The Urban Ecology Center (UEC) has a vision for Milwaukee that will allow more people to experience the transformational properties of nature, ensure the center’s longevity to reach generations of people, and respond to interest in their model to spread knowledge and deepen impact. In 2007, the Urban Ecology Center began work in Washington Park. Local neighborhood associations and corporations invited the organization to open a location to help with neighborhood revitalization efforts.
UEC has served Milwaukee for more than 25 years, providing vibrant urban parks for people to explore, learn, and find respite. It currently operates three centers across the city of Milwaukee: Riverside Park, Menomonee Valley, and Washington Park. UECs Washington Park branch is a free community space.
53208 Zip Code Racial Demographics
Addressing Racial Inequities
The communities UEC serves, including that around the Washington Park branch, are some of the hardest hit by COVID-19. Milwaukee’s Black and Latinx communities are suffering from COVID-19 disproportionately to White Milwaukeeans. Furthermore, as seen across the globe, low- income individuals are hit hardest by the economic impacts of COVID.
In communities like Washington Park, where 44% of residents are Black, and nearly 30% live below the poverty line, the economic, physical health, and emotional ramifications of the pandemic are profound.
In a typical year, the Center will see an average of 31,000 program participants. During the pandemic, Washington Park saw an average of 81,000 visits to the park, in addition to program participants.
Neal Fitness Center
Urban Ecology's Programs
Urban parks are safe to visit: kids are acquire the science skills they need to succeed, and adults keep learning about how our changing world around us works.
Programming includes: summer camp, Neighborhood Environmental Education Project (NEEP), Preschool Environmental Education Project (PEEP), research and community science programs, land stewardship volunteer activities, and ad hoc group
Bringing Children and Families into Nature
NEEP programs are offered to schools at 30% of the cost with donors/funders offsetting the remaining 70% with contributions. Summer camp programs are offered on a sliding fee scale based on financial need. Generally, 50% of summer camp participants receive a scholarship.